Families & Parents
Child Care Services
Social Enterprise for Canada (SEC) has been delivering Licensed Before and After School Services for children between the ages of 4 to 12 years since 1995. Today we provide services in Thornhill, Newmarket, and Vaughan to approximately 200 children and operate from 7 am until the beginning of school until 6 pm from Monday to Friday, September to June. Some programs also offer programming on P.D. days and school holidays.
SEC Child Care Services is committed to providing a learning program that is consistent with Ministry of Education policies, pedagogy, and curriculum as well as delivering fun, interest-based learning opportunities in a safe environment that provides high-quality child-care services.
Website: www.childcaresec.com
For more information on child care fee assistance in York Region click here
EarlyON Child & Family Centre
EarlyON Child & Family Centres, previously known as Ontario Early Years, has been serving the Vaughan and Aurora areas since 2002. Eventually, King was added as a satellite service under Ontario Early Years. In 2018, EarlyON became the new brand of Early Years Services. EarlyON programs now have 3 main centres and mobile locations at many community schools, parks, and libraries in Vaughan, King, and Aurora. For a full list of sites and more information on Early ON programs, please see earlyonsec.com
EarlyON Child and Family Centres offer a range of programs that provide early learning and parenting programs for families with children from birth to 6 years of age. Our team of Early Learning Specialists provides inclusive programs for children and families, information to support healthy child development and access to community partners and resources. We currently offer programs and workshops Monday to Saturday in our centres, mobile locations, 4 season outdoor programs in local parks, and virtual interactive programs for at-home.
Visit our website or connect with us on social media for more information on programs and registration.
Peel & York Region Supervised Parenting Time
Supervised Parenting Time Program has provided services since 1992 when we initially participated in the Supervised Access pilot project funded by the Ministry of the Attorney General. The program offers services in Peel and York Region with children 0 to 17 years of age.
Our Supervised Parenting Time program helps children and families through difficult periods of separation and adjustment. We provide a safe, neutral, and child-focused environment for children to spend time with their parents or extended families. Our program provides supervised parenting time, supervised exchange, Â supervised virtual parenting time, and supervised communication exchange services.
Website: parentingtimeyorkpeel.ca